January 3, 2007

Have You Seen My Disinfecting Wipes?

Stress sickens workers. Sniffling co-workers sicken colleagues. Old food left in the fridge may sicken a risk-taking fellow employee. But a desk? What harm can it cause other than not being ergonomically sufficient? Apparently, quite a bit. According to CNN, "a study by the University of Arizona in 2002 found the typical worker's desk has hundreds of times more bacteria per square inch than an office toilet seat. If that's not disturbing enough, desks, phones and other private surfaces are also prime habitats for the viruses that cause colds and flu." Adding to the germs are quick lunch breaks taken at the workstation and custodians avoiding cleaning desks on account of wanting to avoid misplacing important files. Better go out and get some disinfecting wipes, or you might have much more than a case of the Mondays. [CNN]

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