Don't Blow the Interview
Careerbuilder offers up five tips to improve your chances on an interview. These include getting to the interview on time, dressing one level above the company's dress code policy, researching the company, avoiding rambling, and controlling body language.
Additional tips from HATCH include brushing your teeth thoroughly, wearing deodorant, avoiding spicy food before the interview, avoiding talking highly of the company's competitors, turning off your cell phone and other gadgets, limiting the use of the word "like," avoiding cursing and slang, avoiding the limp handshake, avoiding the bonecrusher handshake, avoiding staring at the interviewer, avoiding (usually) discussion about successes in high school, removing the Bluetooth from your ear, avoiding eating Cheez Doodles while waiting in the lobby, and bringing a spell-checked, typed copy of your resume. Hand-written resumes are sooo last millennium. [CareerBuilder]
1 comment:
loved it! did I detect a smidgen of sarcasm on your write up?
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